“I plan to marry and have kids but many men see me as an object for s**x”- Efia Odo


“I plan to marry and have kids but many men see me as an object for s**x”- Efia Odo

Ghanaian actress Efia Odo has revealed her desire to settle down and start a family but she's facing a huge obstacle as some men only see her as an ob

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Ghanaian actress Efia Odo has revealed her desire to settle down and start a family but she’s facing a huge obstacle as some men only see her as an object for sex.

“As I grow older, I yearn for a meaningful relationship and children. But unfortunately, people only think of one thing when it comes to me – sex.”

“Whenever I’m spotted with a male, whether it’s an artist or friend, people assume I’m involved with them romantically or sexually.

“It’s like I can’t even male friend because most of these men, they would want to have sex with me if they found themselves in that position.

“Even King Promise that I knew before he became popular, people automatically assume we had a sexual relationship simply because we’re acquainted. I got into an argument with a guy I was dating because of him,” Odo said.

Many Ghanaians have already concluded that Efia Odo and King Promise are in sexual relationship because the two have been seen together in a very lovely mood on so many occasions.