I’ll destool any chief who employs land guards – Otumfuo warns


I’ll destool any chief who employs land guards – Otumfuo warns

The Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II says he will destool any chief in Asanteman, within whose jurisdiction the menace of land guards are entertained.

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The Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II says he will destool any chief in Asanteman, within whose jurisdiction the menace of land guards are entertained.

Until recently, the menace of land guards, very prevalent in other areas of Ghana was uncommon in Asanteman.

But the Ashanti Regional Security Council in June this year expressed concern about a surge in the illegal operations of land guards and said it was one of the recent security threats in the region.

The Council acknowledged that the time-tested modalities in the Region that have kept it devoid of land guards over the years was gradually giving way as land disputes was now entertaining the menace of land guards.

Asantehene’s warning

Speaking at the first Asanteman Council meeting after the climax of the Silver Jubilee celebration at the Manhyia Palace in Kumasi on Thursday [July 4, 2024], Otumfuo said he has set up a committee made up of security agencies to investigate the illegal practice of land guards currently gaining roots in Asanteman.

He said any chief who will be implicated by the report will not be spared of destoolment.

A practice that didn’t have any place in Asanteman has started gaining roots – Land guards. The police and the military will tell me where the practices are taking place and all those who will be implicated will lose their stools. Let’s wait for the report to come out, the Asantehene warned.

Lands do not move and they cannot be taken anywhere. In case of any dispute, there are modalities to settle it. When I gave the land to you, I didn’t add any land guards why should you resort to them, the Asantehene questioned.

Additionally, he touched on issues of illegal mining in other parts of Asanteman as he stated that nananom have a hand in it.

I will investigate any chief who gets implicated in any illegal mining report that comes before me henceforth and destool you. We have some of those cases pending before us which must be fast-tracked, he added.

The Ashanti Regional Security Council in a press statement dated June 20, 2024, expressed concern about a surge in the illegal operations of land guards in the region.

The Council acknowledged the time-tested modalities in the Region that have kept it devoid of land guards over the years and urged persons with land disputes to use the accepted channels.

“Over the years, the Ashanti Region has been fortunate because all stool lands are vested in His Majesty Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, the Asantehene, with his chiefs as caretakers. There is therefore every opportunity in instances of land controversies and disputes, to appeal to His Majesty for the resolution of the disputes.