Category: OPINION

1 2 3 20 / 27 POSTS
Drought Threatens Ghana’s Food Security: A call for urgent action

Drought Threatens Ghana’s Food Security: A call for urgent action

Ghana is currently facing severe drought due to erratic rainfall patterns driven by climate change. This climate crisis poses a significant threat to [...]
Rebranding private security companies to serve as a job hub

Rebranding private security companies to serve as a job hub

The Private Security Guard Association of Ghana (PSGAG) is made up of employees of private security companies, who work hand in hand with national sec [...]
Revocation of L.I. on mining in forest reserves: What is the role of Parliament?

Revocation of L.I. on mining in forest reserves: What is the role of Parliament?

Introduction Following the President’s instruction for the commencement of processes to revoke the legislative instrument, Environmental Protection ( [...]
Why the Supreme Court is delaying its ruling on the Family Values Bill

Why the Supreme Court is delaying its ruling on the Family Values Bill

Background The Human Sexual Rights and Family Values Bill proposes harsher penalties for same-sex activities, increasing the maximum sentence from th [...]
Dr Opoku Onyinah writes: Prophets and Election prophecy

Dr Opoku Onyinah writes: Prophets and Election prophecy

The National Peace Council of Ghana recently organised a forum in Accra for prophets, aimed at helping them in handling their prophetic messages respo [...]
Richmond Adu-Poku writes: Bessa Simons must harness Obuor’s legacy for a better MUSIGA

Richmond Adu-Poku writes: Bessa Simons must harness Obuor’s legacy for a better MUSIGA

The Musicians Union of Ghana (MUSIGA), established in 1975, set out with a noble mission: to promote and protect the interests of musicians across t [...]
Illegal Mining: We live now or die tomorrow

Illegal Mining: We live now or die tomorrow

Introduction "A nation that does not have responsible leadership to manage its natural resources wisely will destroy future generations." Ghana [...]
Prof Kwadwo Appiagyei-Atua: State of Emergency as Panacea to Galam-State

Prof Kwadwo Appiagyei-Atua: State of Emergency as Panacea to Galam-State

Introduction “Galamsey” (illegal prospecting and mining of gold) has been with us for generations, but it has grown through different stages and ha [...]
Anis Haffar writes: The persistent terrorism of galamsey

Anis Haffar writes: The persistent terrorism of galamsey

• And other associated health hazards This is the season—the much-awaited political season. The tirades before the storm proper are in full swing. [...]
Kwesi Yankahwrites: Election year galamsey

Kwesi Yankahwrites: Election year galamsey

‘Hear no evil, see no evil in an election year’ has been a quiet maxim outside our constitution. It simply means evildoers who are wise, should know t [...]
1 2 3 20 / 27 POSTS